M3G 1.1 -- Jun 22, 2005

Uses of Class

Uses of Node in javax.microedition.m3g

Subclasses of Node in javax.microedition.m3g
 class Camera
          A scene graph node that defines the position of the viewer in the scene and the projection from 3D to 2D.
 class Group
          A scene graph node that stores an unordered set of nodes as its children.
 class Light
          A scene graph node that represents different kinds of light sources.
 class Mesh
          A scene graph node that represents a 3D object defined as a polygonal surface.
 class MorphingMesh
          A scene graph node that represents a vertex morphing polygon mesh.
 class SkinnedMesh
          A scene graph node that represents a skeletally animated polygon mesh.
 class Sprite3D
          A scene graph node that represents a 2-dimensional image with a 3D position.
 class World
          A special Group node that is a top-level container for scene graphs.

Methods in javax.microedition.m3g that return Node
 Node RayIntersection.getIntersected()
          Retrieves the picked Mesh or Sprite3D object.
 Node Node.getParent()
          Returns the scene graph parent of this node.
 Node Node.getAlignmentReference(int axis)
          Returns the alignment reference node for the given axis.
 Node Group.getChild(int index)
          Gets a child by index.

Methods in javax.microedition.m3g with parameters of type Node
 void SkinnedMesh.addTransform(Node bone, int weight, int firstVertex, int numVertices)
          Associates a weighted transformation, or "bone", with a range of vertices in this SkinnedMesh.
 void SkinnedMesh.getBoneTransform(Node bone, Transform transform)
          Returns the at-rest transformation for a bone node.
 int SkinnedMesh.getBoneVertices(Node bone, int[] indices, float[] weights)
          Returns the number of vertices influenced by the given bone, filling in the vertices and their weights to the given arrays.
 boolean Node.getTransformTo(Node target, Transform transform)
          Gets the composite transformation from this node to the given node.
 void Node.align(Node reference)
          Applies alignments to this Node and its descendants.
 void Node.setAlignment(Node zRef, int zTarget, Node yRef, int yTarget)
          Sets this node to align with the given other node(s), or disables alignment.
 void Group.addChild(Node child)
          Adds the given node to this Group, potentially changing the order and indices of the previously added children.
 void Group.removeChild(Node child)
          Removes the given node from this Group, potentially changing the order and indices of the remaining children.
 void Graphics3D.render(Node node, Transform transform)
          Renders the given Sprite3D, Mesh, or Group node with the given transformation from local coordinates to world coordinates.

M3G 1.1 -- Jun 22, 2005

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