M3G 1.1 -- Jun 22, 2005


GENERIC - Static variable in class javax.microedition.m3g.Camera
Specifies a generic 4x4 projection matrix.
Graphics3D - class javax.microedition.m3g.Graphics3D.
A singleton 3D graphics context that can be bound to a rendering target.
Group - class javax.microedition.m3g.Group.
A scene graph node that stores an unordered set of nodes as its children.
Group() - Constructor for class javax.microedition.m3g.Group
Constructs a new Group node and initializes it with an empty list of children.
get(float[]) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Transform
Retrieves the contents of this transformation as a 16-element float array.
get(int, int, short[]) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.VertexArray
Returns a range of 16-bit vertex attributes.
get(int, int, byte[]) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.VertexArray
Returns a range of 8-bit vertex attributes.
getActiveCamera() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.World
Gets the currently active camera.
getActiveIntervalEnd() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.AnimationController
Retrieves the ending time of the current active interval of this animation controller, in world time units.
getActiveIntervalStart() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.AnimationController
Retrieves the starting time of the current active interval of this animation controller, in world time units.
getAlignmentReference(int) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Node
Returns the alignment reference node for the given axis.
getAlignmentTarget(int) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Node
Returns the alignment target for the given axis.
getAlphaFactor() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Node
Retrieves the alpha factor of this Node.
getAlphaThreshold() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.CompositingMode
Retrieves the current alpha testing threshold.
getAnimationTrack(int) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Object3D
Gets an AnimationTrack by index.
getAnimationTrackCount() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Object3D
Gets the number of AnimationTracks currently associated with this Object3D.
getAppearance(int) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Mesh
Gets the current Appearance of the specified submesh.
getAppearance() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Sprite3D
Gets the current Appearance of this Sprite3D.
getBackground() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.World
Retrieves the background settings of this World.
getBlendColor() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Texture2D
Returns the current texture blend color for this Texture2D.
getBlending() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.CompositingMode
Retrieves the current frame buffer blending mode.
getBlending() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Texture2D
Returns the current texture blend mode for this Texture2D.
getBoneTransform(Node, Transform) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.SkinnedMesh
Returns the at-rest transformation for a bone node.
getBoneVertices(Node, int[], float[]) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.SkinnedMesh
Returns the number of vertices influenced by the given bone, filling in the vertices and their weights to the given arrays.
getCamera(Transform) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Graphics3D
Returns the current camera.
getChild(int) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Group
Gets a child by index.
getChildCount() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Group
Gets the number of children in this Group.
getColor() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Background
Retrieves the current background color.
getColor() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Fog
Retrieves the current color of this Fog.
getColor() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Light
Retrieves the current color of this Light.
getColor(int) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Material
Gets the value of the specified color component of this Material.
getColors() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.VertexBuffer
Gets the current color array, or null if per-vertex colors are not set.
getComponentCount() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.KeyframeSequence
Returns the number of components per keyframe in this sequence.
getComponentCount() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.VertexArray
Returns the number of components per vertex.
getComponentType() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.VertexArray
Returns the data type (size) of vertex components.
getCompositeTransform(Transform) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Transformable
Retrieves the composite transformation matrix of this Transformable.
getCompositingMode() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Appearance
Returns the current CompositingMode for this Appearance.
getConstantAttenuation() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Light
Retrieves the current constant attenuation coefficient for this Light.
getController() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.AnimationTrack
Retrieves the animation controller used for controlling this animation track.
getCropHeight() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Background
Gets the current cropping rectangle height within the source image.
getCropHeight() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Sprite3D
Gets the current cropping rectangle height within the source image.
getCropWidth() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Background
Gets the current cropping rectangle width within the source image.
getCropWidth() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Sprite3D
Gets the current cropping rectangle width within the source image.
getCropX() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Background
Retrieves the current cropping rectangle X offset relative to the source image top left corner.
getCropX() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Sprite3D
Retrieves the current cropping rectangle X offset relative to the source image top left corner.
getCropY() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Background
Retrieves the current cropping rectangle Y offset relative to the source image top left corner.
getCropY() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Sprite3D
Retrieves the current cropping rectangle Y offset relative to the source image top left corner.
getCulling() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.PolygonMode
Retrieves the current polygon culling mode.
getDefaultColor() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.VertexBuffer
Retrieves the default color of this VertexBuffer.
getDensity() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Fog
Retrieves the fog density of exponential fog.
getDepthOffsetFactor() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.CompositingMode
Retrieves the current depth offset slope factor.
getDepthOffsetUnits() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.CompositingMode
Retrieves the current constant depth offset.
getDepthRangeFar() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Graphics3D
Returns the far distance of the depth range.
getDepthRangeNear() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Graphics3D
Returns the near distance of the depth range.
getDistance() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.RayIntersection
Retrieves the distance from the pick ray origin to the intersection point.
getDuration() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.KeyframeSequence
Gets the duration of this sequence.
getFarDistance() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Fog
Retrieves the linear fog far distance.
getFog() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Appearance
Returns the current fogging attributes for this Appearance.
getFormat() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Image2D
Gets the internal format of this Image2D.
getHeight() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Image2D
Gets the height of this Image2D, in pixels.
getHints() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Graphics3D
Returns the rendering hints given for the current rendering target.
getImage() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Background
Gets the current background image.
getImage() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Sprite3D
Gets the current Sprite3D image.
getImage() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Texture2D
Retrieves the current base level (full size) texture image.
getImageFilter() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Texture2D
Returns the current texture image filter.
getImageModeX() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Background
Gets the current background image repeat mode for the X dimension.
getImageModeY() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Background
Gets the current background image repeat mode for the Y dimension.
getIndexBuffer(int) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Mesh
Retrieves the submesh at the given index.
getIndexCount() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.IndexBuffer
Returns the number of indices in this buffer.
getIndices(int[]) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.IndexBuffer
Retrieves vertex indices for the rendering primitives stored in this buffer.
getInstance() - Static method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Graphics3D
Retrieves the singleton Graphics3D instance that is associated with this application.
getIntensity() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Light
Retrieves the current intensity of this Light.
getInterpolationType() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.KeyframeSequence
Returns the type of interpolation for this sequence.
getIntersected() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.RayIntersection
Retrieves the picked Mesh or Sprite3D object.
getKeyframe(int, float[]) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.KeyframeSequence
Retrieves the time stamp and value of a single keyframe.
getKeyframeCount() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.KeyframeSequence
Returns the total number of keyframes in this sequence.
getKeyframeSequence() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.AnimationTrack
Returns the keyframe sequence object which defines the keyframe values for this animation track.
getLayer() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Appearance
Gets the current rendering layer for this Appearance.
getLevelFilter() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Texture2D
Returns the current texture level filter.
getLight(int, Transform) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Graphics3D
Returns a light in the current light array.
getLightCount() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Graphics3D
Returns the size of the current light array.
getLinearAttenuation() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Light
Retrieves the current linear attenuation coefficient for this Light.
getMaterial() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Appearance
Returns the current Material for this Appearance.
getMode() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Fog
Retrieves the current fog mode.
getMode() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Light
Retrieves the current type of this Light.
getMorphTarget(int) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.MorphingMesh
Returns the morph target VertexBuffer at the given index.
getMorphTargetCount() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.MorphingMesh
Returns the number of morph targets in this MorphingMesh.
getNearDistance() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Fog
Retrieves the linear fog near distance.
getNormalX() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.RayIntersection
Retrieves the X component of the surface normal at the intersection point.
getNormalY() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.RayIntersection
Retrieves the Y component of the surface normal at the intersection point.
getNormalZ() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.RayIntersection
Retrieves the Z component of the surface normal at the intersection point.
getNormals() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.VertexBuffer
Gets the current normal vector array, or null if normals are not set.
getOrientation(float[]) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Transformable
Retrieves the orientation component of this Transformable.
getParent() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Node
Returns the scene graph parent of this node.
getPolygonMode() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Appearance
Returns the current PolygonMode for this Appearance.
getPosition(int) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.AnimationController
Retrieves the sequence time that corresponds to the given world time.
getPositions(float[]) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.VertexBuffer
Returns the current vertex position array, or null if positions are not set.
getProjection(Transform) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Camera
Gets the current projection matrix and type.
getProjection(float[]) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Camera
Gets the current projection parameters and type.
getProperties() - Static method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Graphics3D
Retrieves implementation specific properties.
getQuadraticAttenuation() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Light
Retrieves the current quadratic attenuation coefficient for this Light.
getRay(float[]) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.RayIntersection
Retrieves the origin (ox oy oz) and direction (dx dy dz) of the pick ray, in that order.
getRefWorldTime() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.AnimationController
Returns the current reference world time.
getReferences(Object3D[]) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Object3D
Returns the number of direct Object3D references in this object, and fills in the objects to the given array.
getRepeatMode() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.KeyframeSequence
Retrieves the current repeat mode of this KeyframeSequence.
getScale(float[]) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Transformable
Retrieves the scale component of this Transformable.
getScope() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Node
Retrieves the scope of this Node.
getShading() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.PolygonMode
Retrieves the current polygon shading mode.
getShininess() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Material
Gets the current shininess of this Material.
getSkeleton() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.SkinnedMesh
Returns the skeleton Group of this SkinnedMesh.
getSpeed() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.AnimationController
Retrieves the currently set playback speed of this animation controller.
getSpotAngle() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Light
Retrieves the current spot angle of this Light.
getSpotExponent() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Light
Retrieves the current spot exponent for this Light.
getSubmeshCount() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Mesh
Gets the number of submeshes in this Mesh.
getSubmeshIndex() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.RayIntersection
Retrieves the index of the submesh where the intersection point is located within the intersected Mesh.
getTarget() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Graphics3D
Returns the current rendering target.
getTargetProperty() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.AnimationTrack
Returns the property targeted by this AnimationTrack.
getTexCoords(int, float[]) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.VertexBuffer
Gets the current texture coordinate array for the specified texturing unit, or null if texture coordinates for that unit are not set.
getTexture(int) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Appearance
Retrieves the current texture image and its attributes for the given texturing unit.
getTextureS(int) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.RayIntersection
Retrieves the S texture coordinate at the intersection point on the picked Mesh or Sprite3D.
getTextureT(int) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.RayIntersection
Retrieves the T texture coordinate at the intersection point on the picked Mesh or Sprite3D.
getTransform(Transform) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Transformable
Retrieves the matrix component of this Transformable.
getTransformTo(Node, Transform) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Node
Gets the composite transformation from this node to the given node.
getTranslation(float[]) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Transformable
Retrieves the translation component of this Transformable.
getUserID() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Object3D
Gets the user ID of this object.
getUserObject() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Object3D
Retrieves the user object that is currently associated with this Object3D.
getValidRangeFirst() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.KeyframeSequence
Returns the first keyframe of the current valid range for this sequence.
getValidRangeLast() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.KeyframeSequence
Returns the last keyframe of the current valid range for this sequence.
getVertexBuffer() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Mesh
Gets the vertex buffer of this Mesh.
getVertexCount() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.VertexArray
Returns the number of vertices in this array.
getVertexCount() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.VertexBuffer
Retrieves the current number of vertices in this VertexBuffer.
getViewportHeight() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Graphics3D
Returns the height of the viewport.
getViewportWidth() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Graphics3D
Returns the width of the viewport.
getViewportX() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Graphics3D
Returns the horizontal position of the viewport.
getViewportY() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Graphics3D
Returns the vertical position of the viewport.
getWeight() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.AnimationController
Retrieves the currently set blending weight for this animation controller.
getWeights(float[]) - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.MorphingMesh
Gets the current morph target weights for this mesh.
getWidth() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Image2D
Gets the width of this Image2D, in pixels.
getWinding() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.PolygonMode
Retrieves the current polygon winding mode.
getWrappingS() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Texture2D
Returns the current texture wrapping mode for the S texture coordinate.
getWrappingT() - Method in class javax.microedition.m3g.Texture2D
Returns the current texture wrapping mode for the T texture coordinate.

M3G 1.1 -- Jun 22, 2005
Copyright © 2005 Nokia Corporation. See the Copyright Notice for details.